EXO-K : Chanyeol
Nome de nascimento: Park Chan Yeol
Nome de nascimento: Park Chan Yeol
Nome Artístico: Chanyeol
Nickname: Dentes ricos, Vírus feliz
Super Poder (emblema): Chama (Phoenix)
Data de Nascimento: 27 de novembro de 1992
Altura: 185 cm
Nacionalidade: Coreia
Posição: Rapper, vocalista principal,
Tipo sanguíneo: A
Especialidades: tocar instrumentos musicais (guitarra, bateria, baixo, djembe), rap, atuar
- Ele foi apareceu em Genie das SNSD (versão japonesa).
- Ele partilha o quarto com o Baekhyun.
- Ele entrou na SM em 2008 pelo Sistema de Audições.
- Baekhyun disse que a respiração de Chanyeol é muito alta, e
em cima disso, ele faz essa coisa fungando alto antes de adormecer.
- Ele é uma pessoa romântica.
- Os seus primeiros idolos foram os TVXQ. Ele gostava mais de U-Know Yunho
- Seu lema é " Diverte-te ...".
- Seu hábito é seguir o ritmo com as mãos.
- Seu tipo ideal é alguém bonito, sorri muito e sincero.
- Ele é um pessoa brilhante com personalidade positiva.
- Ele está sempre apaixonado por jogar e aprender instrumentos.
- Ele fez uma breve aparição no vídeo dos TVXQ na música ", HaHaHa Song", juntamente com Suho e Kai dos EXO-K.
- Ele formou uma banda temporária com seus colegas do ensino médio.
- Ele tem uma voz grossa que é encantadora.
Birth Name: Park Chan Yeol
Artistic Name: Chanyeol
Nickname: Teeth rich, happy Virus
Super Power (badge): Flame (Phoenix)
Date of Birth: November 27, 1992
Height: 185 cm
Nationality: Korea
Position: Rapper Lead singer
Blood Type: A
Specialties: playing musical instruments (guitar, drums, bass, djembe), rap, acting
- It was published in SNSD Genie (Japanese version).
- He shares a room with Baekhyun.
- He joined in 2008 by SM Casting System.
- Baekhyun said that Chanyeol's breathing is very high, and on top of that, he does this thing loud sniffling before he falls asleep.
- He is a romantic person.
- His first idol group was TVXQ. He liked U-Know Yunho more.
- Their motto is "Enjoy Yourself ...".
- His habit is in rhythm with your hands.
- His ideal type is someone handsome, smiling and very sincere.
- He is a brilliant guy with positive personality.
- He is always passionate about playing and learning tools.
- He made a brief appearance in TVXQ music video, "HaHaHa Song" along with Suho EXO-K and Kai.
- He formed a band with his colleagues at the temporary school.
- His deep voice is lovely.
Artistic Name: Chanyeol
Nickname: Teeth rich, happy Virus
Super Power (badge): Flame (Phoenix)
Date of Birth: November 27, 1992
Height: 185 cm
Nationality: Korea
Position: Rapper Lead singer
Blood Type: A
Specialties: playing musical instruments (guitar, drums, bass, djembe), rap, acting
- It was published in SNSD Genie (Japanese version).
- He shares a room with Baekhyun.
- He joined in 2008 by SM Casting System.
- Baekhyun said that Chanyeol's breathing is very high, and on top of that, he does this thing loud sniffling before he falls asleep.
- He is a romantic person.
- His first idol group was TVXQ. He liked U-Know Yunho more.
- Their motto is "Enjoy Yourself ...".
- His habit is in rhythm with your hands.
- His ideal type is someone handsome, smiling and very sincere.
- He is a brilliant guy with positive personality.
- He is always passionate about playing and learning tools.
- He made a brief appearance in TVXQ music video, "HaHaHa Song" along with Suho EXO-K and Kai.
- He formed a band with his colleagues at the temporary school.
- His deep voice is lovely.
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